Thursday, 8 April 2010

Let me feature two blogs I love. :D

The 'Stardoll News and Views' is a great blog by pwincessara. She is posting all the latest stardoll news, her writing is great and her posts always have the information needed. To me, it's the new 'Stardoll's Most Wanted' and I would love you if you followed it, it would mean very much to Sara and the other writers there! :D You can help her make the currently 25 followers much more. <3

Click here to visit and follow the 'Stardoll News and Views'.

UPDATE; I know this probably won't sound good but Sara decided to hold an inviting competition. If you follow because you saw it here, could you please sign your name HERE saying it? xD

'Stardolls Days', whose owner is Gabyzoka is quite an old blog, in which she puts much effort. She writes it in two languages, since she is Brazilian and want her friends to be able to read it too. However, I don't get how she only has 12 followers! Visit it and you'll see that you didn't know what you were missing.

Click here to visit and follow 'Stardolls Days'.


Miss M said...

OMG Tysm for featuring my blog Electra!
